Sunday, October 21, 2007

Egypt Trip Update 7 - October 21 , 2007

We had our last meeting tonight. We leave in four short days. I know I always write really lengthy posts but not this time. I want to leave you with the lyrics to a song that I chose for my fathers funeral. I chose this song because it described my dad's love for his Lord and how he wanted to give himself to him. My prayer is that the words of this song will be the words of my heart as well. To my team, my friends, and my family I love you and I am so grateful for you.

Rushing Wind
by Keith Green

Rushing wind blow through this temple,

Blowing out the dust within,

Come and breathe you breath upon me,

Ive been born again.

Holy spirit, I surrender, take me where you want to go,

Plant me by your living water,

Plant me deep so I can grow.

Jesus, you're the one, who sets my spirit free,

Use me lord, glorify, your holy name through me.

Separate me from this world lord.

Sanctify my life for you.

Daily change me to your image,

Help me bear good fruit.

Every day youre drawing closer.

Trials come to test my faith.

But when all is said and done lord,

You know, it was worth the wait.

Jesus, you're the one, who set my spirit free,

Use me lord, glorify, your holy name through me.

Rushing wind blow through this temple,

Blowing out the dust within,

Come and breathe you breath upon me,

For Ive been born again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have fun man.