Thursday, December 13, 2007

February 19, 2004 - for josalyne

o. what must I do to assuage your multiplying fears?
what mystic serum should I apply to your trembling heart
to reverse the relentless encroachment of the infection of doubt...
to undo its effect upon you and me and us?

shall I lay my body coursing with the hot blood of purest love
upon the cold slab of sacrifice
and place a shining blade in your soft hand
to prove through my giving what I have to affixed to words innumerable?

shall I adhere my dry cracked lips to your red and swollen ones
and allow the moisture within our burning mouths
to conduct the electricity of longing?

what water have you in that vast and tormented ocean of a mind
that would suffice to bring the inferno of my passion for you
to a benign and smoldering heap of wet ashes?

o, what must I do to assuage your multiplying fears?
I implore you to yield to my advances,
to collapse in my embrace,
to lean out, eyes close tightly, over the chasm of not knowing
and feel the thick air for my steadying hand

place your interests and concerns upon my shoulders
and trust...ever trust...that I will willingly bear up underneath

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